Monday, November 30, 2009

Progress Reports, salmon, and state testing...

Students have their first trimester progress reports in their mailboxes. They will bring them home tonight (Monday, November 30th) for your viewing. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about your child and their progress.

On Tuesday, December 1st we will begin our first round of state testing. The test usually takes two or three testing periods to complete for each section (reading and math). Students are being encouraged to get plenty of rest, eat a good breakfast, take their time, and do their best.

We will be releasing our salmon on Thursday, December 3rd in the afternoon with Mrs. Lilly's class. Our trip will be to Dabney State Park. A permission slip went home last Wednesday.

Hard to believe that we only have three weeks of school until our Winter Break!

Take care,

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Area of Study November 19, 2009

We had an amazing afternoon of sharing our Area of Study projects. It was so fun to watch the kids from Room 12 shine as they shared their topics with others. I enjoyed how much work many of the kids put into their project and the creativity they possess. This was a great start and I can't wait until the next one! Thank you to those that were able to join us. For those unable to be with us, please be sure to ask your child about the event. I have posted a few photos to help them tell the story.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rowena Slide Show

The Incredible East End of the Gorge

After a long ride the bus and a visit to Mosier Community School, we arrived at Rowena Crest. It was such an amazing place. The contrast from our "end" of the Gorge to the east end was very evident. The kids all noted that that there were fewer trees, the soil contained a lot more rocks, and that the vegetation was quite different then what we are used to seeing. We had many questions like: Why did they paint the grass pink? What makes the climate so much drier compared to where we live? What kinds of animals live in the area? We do know that deer are around. We saw tracks, scat, and two of them jumping over a fence! Here are just a few pictures of our trip.