Thursday, January 27, 2011

Simple Machines and Rube Goldberg Challenge!

During the past few weeks we have been exploring simple machines. We have learned about levers, incline planes, pulleys, screws, wheels/axles, and a wedge. Each student had to figure out how force multiplied by distance equals work (W = F X D). This required putting our math skills to work!

We are also putting finishing touches on our Rube Goldberg Art Challenge. We had to take a simple task and make it complicated. The completed art will be displayed in the hallways. Each machine to have 10-12 steps that were drawn to show exactly how the machine would work. Each step also had to be written out and labeled.

For the next two weeks we will be working in teams of four to take on the Rube Goldberg Science Challenge. Each team will be given a bag of supplies to build a machine that is capable of moving a ping pong ball through at least ten steps and three simple machines to land into a Dixie cup. Each team will have a limited amount of time to plan and build (two 45 planning sessions and six 45 minute building sessions). The machine will be scored in four areas: Does the ball land in the cup? How long did the ball stay moving? How many simple machines were used? Was it appealing to look at? The winner of our classroom competition will represent our class in the school challenge on Monday, February 14th.

Upcoming Events and Happenings:
Jan. 31st - Feb. 3rd Fourth Grade State Writing Assessment
Jan. 31st - Feb. 9th Planning and building Rube Goldberg Machines
Feb. 9th Field Trip to Tears of Joy Theater (Bridge of the Gods)
Feb. 10th Classroom Rube Goldberg Challenge
Feb. 14th Winner of the Classroom Challenge competes
Feb. 21st Monday - No school President's Day
Feb. 25th Friday - School

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